
Machine Learning and Statistical Learning (AMU)

Aix Marseille University
Master in Economics: Econometrics, big data, statistics Track

The 24 hours course alternates between lectures and practical sessions.

Machine Learning Training (ECB)

European Central Bank

Course by Emmanuel Flachaire, Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille Université.

Hands-on sessions by me.

Training organised by :

  • Mario Porqueddu, Senior Economist, Prices and Costs Division, European Central Bank.
  • Linda de Leeuw, Directorate General Economics, Prices & Costs Division, European Central Bank

Aix Marseille University
Undergraduates students in Economics

Here are some resources to learn how to use R (in French).

Course ebook

Hands-on sessions

Old slides

Aix Marseille University
Magistère ingénieur économiste degree

Please find below an e-book for python beginners.

I have prepared two templates for students academic reports. A first one using LaTeX only, and a second one using RMarkdown.

1 Using LaTeX

I assume that you are familiar with LaTeX.

If you want to have a look at the final output that you will be able to get:

You can download the archive that contains the template:

2 Using RMarkdown

2.1 Resources

If you want to produce academic reports using RMarkdown, I have prepared a template which can generate either HTML or PDF reports.

If you are not familiar with RMarkdown, you can read this small notebook:

2.2 Prior requirements

Some R packages are required: tidyverse, DT, kabble, kableExtra, knitr. If these packages are note installed, please run the following line in the R console:


In addition, to be able to compile the document to get the final output in a PDF format, a LaTeX engine is required. A very simple way to get one is to execute the following code in the R console:


If you want to customize the theme, you can look in the following files:

  • for HTML documents: assets/style.css.
  • for PDF documents: assets/style_rapport_amu.css

2.3 Preview of the final output

If you want to have a look at the final output that you will be able to get:

2.4 The template

You can download the archive that contains the template: