In this chapter, we present the sources and data formatting of the macroeconomic variables.
We use data from the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) data are obtained using the token PN01270PM , the Food Consumer Price Index (CPIA) data with token PN01336PM , the Real Exchange Rate (RER) data with token PN01259PM , Exports data with token PN01461BM , the GDP data with token PN01773AM , the agricultural GDP data with token PN01755AM , the interbank interest rate data with token PN07819NM , and PN02079AM for the manufacturing production.
Load Data
We have downloaded these series from the the Banco Central De Reserva Del Perú website .
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.4
✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0
✔ ggplot2 3.4.4 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ✔ tidyr 1.3.0
✔ purrr 1.0.2
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
library (labelled)
peru_macro <-
readxl:: read_excel (
path = "../data/raw/Macro/data_macro_peru.xlsx" ,
skip = 1 ,
na = "n.d."
) |>
mutate (
month = case_when (
str_detect (date, "^Ene" ) ~ 1 ,
str_detect (date, "^Feb" ) ~ 2 ,
str_detect (date, "^Mar" ) ~ 3 ,
str_detect (date, "^Abr" ) ~ 4 ,
str_detect (date, "^May" ) ~ 5 ,
str_detect (date, "^Jun" ) ~ 6 ,
str_detect (date, "^Jul" ) ~ 7 ,
str_detect (date, "^Ago" ) ~ 8 ,
str_detect (date, "^Sep" ) ~ 9 ,
str_detect (date, "^Oct" ) ~ 10 ,
str_detect (date, "^Nov" ) ~ 11 ,
str_detect (date, "^Dic" ) ~ 12
year = as.numeric (str_sub (date, - 2 )) + 2000
) |>
mutate (date = lubridate:: ym (str_c (year, month, sep = "-" )))
Let us rename the columns :
peru_macro <-
peru_macro |>
select (
yy_raw = PN01773AM, # GDP
rer_raw = PN01259PM, # Real Exchange Rate
x_raw = PN01461BM, # Exports
r_raw = PN07819NM, # Interest rate
pi_raw = PN01270PM, # CPI
pia_raw = PN01336PM, # CPI: food
ya_raw = PN01755AM, # Agricultural GDP
ind_prod_raw = PN02079AM # Manufacturing production
Helper Functions
In order to address any underlying trends in the GDP data, we express this variable in percentage deviations from the Hodrick-Prescott trend. To that end, we define a helper that returns the estimated trend:
#' Applies HP filter for monthly data and returns the trend component
#' @param x vector of monthly observations
#' @param freq smoothing parameter (\lambda)
hp_filter_trend <- function (x, freq = 14400 ) {
res_hp_filter <- mFilter:: hpfilter (
freq = 14400 ,
type = "lambda" ,
drift = FALSE
as.vector (res_hp_filter$ trend)
Furthermore, to eliminate any seasonal components present in the data, we employ the X13 method developed by the Census Bureau. This method enables us to remove seasonal variations and isolate the underlying patterns and dynamics of the variables
#' Removes the seasonality of a vector of monthly values
#' @param x vector of numerical values
#' @param start_date start date of the values
#' @param remove_trend should the estimated trend be removed? Default to ``FALSE
adj_season_X13 <- function (x,
remove_trend = FALSE ) {
x_ts <- ts (x, start = c (year (start_date), month (start_date)), freq = 12 )
# Seasonal Adjustment with X-13ARIMA-SEATS
x_ts_season <- seasonal:: seas (
x_ts, estimate.maxiter= 10000 ,
arima.model = "(0 1 1)(0 1 1)" ,
x11 = ""
x_ts_season_df <- timetk:: tk_tbl (x_ts_season$ data) |>
mutate (date = lubridate:: my (index))
df_resul <- tibble (
date = seq (start_date, last (x_ts_season_df$ date), by = "month" )
) |>
left_join (x_ts_season_df, by = "date" ) |>
mutate (val = seasonaladj)
if (remove_trend) {
df_resul <- df_resul |>
mutate (val = seasonaladj - trend)
df_resul |> pull (val)
The hp_filter_trend ()
and the adj_season_X13 ()
functions are defined in the ../weatherperu/R/detrending.R
Data Pre-Processing
For GDP:
peru_gdp <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, yy_raw) |>
filter (date >= "2003-01-01" ) |>
mutate (
# Remove seasonality
yy_sa = adj_season_X13 (yy_raw, ymd ("2003-01-01" )),
# Extract trend
yy_trend = hp_filter_trend (yy_sa, freq = 14400 ),
# Percentage dev. from trend
y = 100 * log (yy_raw / yy_trend)
For agricultural GDP:
peru_ya <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, ya_raw) |>
filter (date >= "2003-01-01" ) |>
mutate (
# Remove seasonality
ya_sa = adj_season_X13 (ya_raw, ymd ("2003-01-01" )),
# Extract trend
ya_trend = hp_filter_trend (ya_sa, freq = 14400 ),
# Percentage dev. from trend
ya = 100 * log (ya_raw / ya_trend)
For Real Exchange Rate:
peru_rer <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, rer_raw) |>
filter (date >= "2001-01-01" ) |>
mutate (
# Remove seasonality
rer_sa = adj_season_X13 (rer_raw, ymd ("2001-01-01" )),
rer = rer_sa / 100
) |>
mutate (
rer_hp_trend = hp_filter_trend (rer_raw, freq = 14400 ),
rer_hp = rer_raw - rer_hp_trend,
rer_trend = hp_filter_trend (rer_sa, freq = 14400 ),
rer_dt_sa = log (rer_sa / rer_trend)
) |>
select (- rer_hp_trend, - rer_trend, - rer_sa)
For Exports:
peru_x <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, x_raw) |>
filter (date >= "2001-01-01" ) |>
mutate (
# Remove seasonality
x = adj_season_X13 (100 + x_raw, ymd ("2000-12-01" )),
x = x / 100
For the Interest rate:
peru_r <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, r_raw) |>
filter (date >= "2001-01-01" ) |>
rename (r = r_raw) |>
mutate (
r_hp_trend = hp_filter_trend (r, freq = 14400 ),
r_hp = r - r_hp_trend
) |>
select (- r_hp_trend)
For the Consumer Price Index:
peru_cpi <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, pi_raw) |>
mutate (
# Remove seasonality
pi_sa = adj_season_X13 (pi_raw, ymd ("2000-12-01" )),
# Log difference
pi = c (NA , 100 * diff (log (pi_sa)))
For the Food Consumer Price Index:
peru_cpia <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, pia_raw) |>
mutate (
# Remove seasonality
pia_sa = adj_season_X13 (pia_raw, ymd ("2000-12-01" )),
# Log difference
pia = c (NA , 100 * diff (log (pia_sa)))
Manufacturing production
peru_ind_prod <-
peru_macro |>
select (date, ind_prod_raw) |>
filter (date >= "2001-01-01" ) |>
mutate (
# Remove seasonality
ind_prod_sa = adj_season_X13 (ind_prod_raw, ymd ("2001-01-01" )),
# Extract trend
ind_prod_trend = hp_filter_trend (ind_prod_sa, freq = 14400 ),
# Percentage dev. from trend
ind_prod = 100 * log (ind_prod_raw / ind_prod_trend)
International Commodity prices
For the international commodity prices, we will not include those in the final macro data, as they are given depending on the crop. We will produce a separate file. We have downloaded these series from the IMF Primary Commodity Price System website .
library (readxl)
int_prices <- read_excel (
path = "../data/raw/Macro/IMF_DATA.xls" ,
sheet = "SELECTED" ,
col_types = "text" ) |>
mutate (date = lubridate:: ymd (str_c (YEAR, "-" , MONTH, "-01" ))) |>
rename (
"IndexOIL" = "IndexOIL_POILAPSP" ,
"PriceOIL" = "PriceOIL_POILAPSP" ,
) |>
mutate (CORN2 = CORN,
FPI2 = FPI) |>
select (- c (MONTH, YEAR, CPI_Peru_IMF, CPI_US_IMF, IndexOIL, PriceOIL)) |>
pivot_longer (cols = ! date, names_to = "product" , values_to = "price_int" ) |>
mutate (
product = case_when (
product == "FPI" ~ "PAPA" ,
product == "FPI2" ~ "YUCA" ,
product == "CORN" ~ "MAÍZ AMILÁCEO" ,
product == "CORN2" ~ "MAÍZ AMARILLO DURO" ,
TRUE ~ product
product_eng = case_when (
product == "PAPA" ~ "Potato" ,
product == "YUCA" ~ "Cassava" ,
product == "ARROZ CÁSCARA" ~ "Rice" ,
product == "MAÍZ AMARILLO DURO" ~ "Dent corn"
price_int = as.numeric (price_int)
) |>
arrange (product, date) |>
group_by (product) |>
mutate (price_int_inf = price_int / lag (price_int) - 1 ) |>
ungroup () |>
filter (! year (date) == 2000 )
Let us add labels to the columns:
int_prices <-
int_prices |>
labelled:: set_variable_labels (
date = "Date" ,
price_int = "International commodity price" ,
price_int_inf = "Int. commodity inflation rate"
And save the resulting table:
save (int_prices, file = "../data/output/macro/df_int_prices.rda" )
Merging the Data
The sample period for our analysis covers the time span from January 2003 (2003M1) to December 2015 (2015M12).
df_macro <-
peru_gdp |>
select (date, y) |>
full_join (
peru_ya |> select (date, ya),
by = "date"
) |>
full_join (
peru_rer |> select (date, rer, rer_hp, rer_dt_sa),
by = "date"
) |>
full_join (
peru_r |> select (date, r, r_hp),
by = "date"
) |>
full_join (
peru_x |> select (date, x),
by = "date"
) |>
full_join (
peru_cpi |> select (date, pi),
by = "date"
) |>
full_join (
peru_cpia |> select (date, pia),
by = "date"
) |>
full_join (
peru_ind_prod |> select (date, ind_prod),
by = "date"
) |>
arrange (date) |>
filter (date >= ymd ("2001-01-01" ))
Let us add labels to the columns:
df_macro <-
df_macro |>
labelled:: set_variable_labels (
date = "Date" ,
rer_dt_sa = "Real exchange rate" ,
rer_hp = "Real exchange rate" ,
x = "Exports" ,
pi = "Inflation rate (pp)" ,
pia = "Food inflation rate (pp)" ,
y = "GDP (pp)" ,
ya = "Agricultural GDP (pp)" ,
r = "Interest rate (pp)" ,
r_hp = "Interest rate (pp)" ,
ind_prod = "Manufacturing Prod. (pp)"
And lastly, we need to save the data for further use (especially in Section 10 ).
save (df_macro, file = "../data/output/macro/df_macro.rda" )
Content of the dataset
Table 3.1: Variables in the df_macro.rda
Date of the observation (YYYY-MM-DD)
GDP in percentage point, percentage deviation from trend, detrended and seasonally adjusted
Agricultural GDP in percentage point, percentage deviation from trend, detrended and seasonally adjusted
Real exchange rate, detrended using HP filter
Real exchange rate, detrended and seasonally adjusted
Exports, seasonally adjusted
Interest rate, in percentage point, detrended
Inflation rate, in percentage point
Food inflation rate, in percentage point, seasonally adjusted
Manufacturing Production, in percentage point, percentage deviation from trend, detrended and seasonally adjusted
Table 3.2: Variables in the int_prices.rda
Date of the observation (YYYY-MM-DD)
Crop name in Spanish
International commodity prices
Growth rate of international commodity prices