Optimal Transport for Counterfactual Estimation: A Method for Causal Inference

Online Appendix: simulations (univariate case)


Arthur Charpentier

Emmanuel Flachaire

Ewen Gallic

In this notebook, we compute the SCATE at three different points: \(\boldsymbol{x}=(2500,60)\), \(\boldsymbol{x}=(4200,60)\), and \(\boldsymbol{x}=(2500,20)\). At each point, we will estimate the SCATE using a GAM model with Gaussian transport depending on the number of observations used to train the models.

1 Data

To illustrate the methods, we rely on the Linked Birth/Infant Death Cohort Data (2013 cohort). The CSV files for the 2013 cohort were downloaded from the NBER collection of Birth Cohort Linked Birth and Infant Death Data of the National Vital Statistics System of the National Center for Health Statistics, on the NBER website. We formated the data (see ./births_stats.html).

Let us load the birth data.


Then, we can only keep a subsample of variables to illustrate the method.

base <- 
  births %>% 
    black_mother = mracerec == "Black",
    nonnatural_delivery = rdmeth_rec != "Vaginal"
  ) %>% 
    sex, dbwt, cig_rec, wtgain, 
    black_mother, nonnatural_delivery,
    mracerec, rdmeth_rec
  ) %>% 
    cig_rec = replace_na(cig_rec, "Unknown or not stated"),
    black_mother = ifelse(black_mother, yes = "Yes", no = "No"),
    is_girl = ifelse(sex == "Female", yes = "Yes", no = "No")
  ) %>% 
    black_mother = "Is the mother Black?",
    is_girl = "Is the newborn a girl?",
    nonnatural_delivery = "Is the delivery method non-natural?"
  ) %>% 
  rename(birth_weight = dbwt)
# A tibble: 3,940,764 × 9
   sex    birth_weight cig_rec wtgain black_mo…¹ nonna…² mrace…³ rdmet…⁴ is_girl
   <fct>         <dbl> <fct>    <dbl> <chr>      <lgl>   <fct>   <fct>   <chr>  
 1 Male           3017 No           1 No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal No     
 2 Female         3367 No          18 No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal Yes    
 3 Male           4409 No          36 No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal No     
 4 Male           4047 No          25 No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal No     
 5 Male           3119 Yes          0 No         FALSE   "Ameri… Vaginal No     
 6 Female         4295 Yes         34 No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal Yes    
 7 Male           3160 No          47 No         FALSE   "Ameri… Vaginal No     
 8 Male           3711 No          39 No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal No     
 9 Male           3430 No          NA No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal No     
10 Female         3772 No          36 No         FALSE   "White" Vaginal Yes    
# … with 3,940,754 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​black_mother,
#   ²​nonnatural_delivery, ³​mracerec, ⁴​rdmeth_rec

The variables that were kept are the following:

  • sex: sex of the newborn
  • birth_weight: Birth Weight (in Grams)
  • cig_rec: mother smokes cigarettes
  • wtgain: mother weight gain
  • mracerec: mother’s race
  • black_mother: is mother black?
  • rdmeth_rec: delivery method
  • nonnatural_delivery: is the delivery method non-natural?

Then, let us discard individuals with missing values.

base <- 
  base %>% 

Let us define some colours for later use:

colr1 <- wes_palette("Darjeeling1")
colr2 <- wes_palette("Darjeeling2")
couleur1 <- colr1[2]
couleur2 <- colr1[4]
couleur3 <- colr2[2]

coul1 <- "#882255"
coul2 <- "#DDCC77"

We need to load some packages.


2 Functions

Let us define the same functions as that used in reproduction_univariate.html.

2.1 Models

Let us define a function that estimates \(\color{couleur1}{\widehat{m}_0}\) or \(\color{couleur2}{\widehat{m}_1}\) with a logistic GAM model (cubic spline first).


#' Returns $\hat{m}_0()$ or $\hat{m}_1()$, using GAM
#' @param target name of the target variable
#' @param treatment_name name of the treatment variable (column in `data`)
#' @param x_m_name name of the mediator variable
#' @param data data frame with the observations
#' @param treatment either non-treated (`0`) or treated (`1`)
#' @param treatment_0 treatment value for non-treated
#' @param treatment_1 treatment value for treated
#' @param df degrees of freedom (in the `bs()` function, deefault to `df=3`)
models_spline <- function(target, treatment_name, x_m_name, data, treatment = c(0,1), treatment_0=NULL, treatment_1=NULL, df = 3){
  if(treatment == 0){
    # \hat{m}_0()
    reg <-
      bquote(glm(.(target)~bs(.(x_m_name), df = df), data = data,
                 family=binomial, subset = (.(treatment_name) == .(treatment_0))),
             list(target = as.name(target), x_m_name=as.name(x_m_name),
                  treatment_name = as.name(treatment_name),
                  treatment_0 = treatment_0)) %>% 
    # \hat{m}_1()
    reg <- bquote(glm(.(target)~bs(.(x_m_name), df = df), data = data,
                        family=binomial, subset = (.(treatment_name) == .(treatment_1))),
                    list(target = as.name(target), x_m_name=as.name(x_m_name),
                         treatment_name = as.name(treatment_name),
                         treatment_1 = treatment_1)) %>% 

2.2 Prediction Function

Let us define a function that predicts the target variable on new data, using an estimated model (cubic splines).

#' @param object regression model (GAM)
#' @param newdata data frame in which to look for the mediator variable used to predict the target
model_spline_predict <- function(object, newdata){
  predict(object, newdata = newdata, type="response")

2.3 Transport

2.3.1 Quantile-based Assumption

The transport function can be defined as follows:

#' Quantile-based transport (Univariate)
#' @param x_0 vector of values to be transported
#' @param x_m_name name of the mediator variable
#' @param treatment_name name of the treatment variable (column in `data`)
#' @param treatment_0 value for non treated
#' @param treatment_1 value for treated
#' @param data data frame with both T=0 or T=1
transport_quantile <- function(x_0, x_m_name, treatment_name, treatment_0, treatment_1, data){
  ind_0 <- pull(data, treatment_name) == treatment_0
  x_val <- pull(data, x_m_name)
  # Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function for values of the mediator variable for non-treated
  Fn <- ecdf(x_val)
  # Probability associated in the non-treated
  u <- Fn(x_0)
  # Transported_values
  x_1 <- pull(data, x_m_name)[pull(data, treatment_name) == treatment_1]
  x_t_quantile <- quantile(x_1, u)
  list(x_0 = x_0, u = u, x_t_quantile = x_t_quantile)

2.4 Sample Condional Average Treatment Effect

#' Computes the Sample Average Treatment Effect with and without transport
#' @param x_0 vector of values at which to compute $\hat{m}_0(x_0)$, $\hat{m}_1(x_0)$
#' @param x_t vector of values at which to compute $\hat{m}_1(\mathcal{T}(x_t))$
#' @param x_m_name vector of names of the mediator variables
#' @param mod_0 model $\hat{m}_0$
#' @param mod_1 model $\hat{m}_1$
#' @param pred_mod_0 prediction function for model $\hat{m}_0(\cdot)$
#' @param pred_mod_1 prediction function for model $\hat{m}_1(\cdot)$
#' @param return_x if `TRUE` (default) the mediator variables are returned in the table, as well as their transported values
sate <- function(x_0, x_t, x_m_names, mod_0, mod_1, pred_mod_0, pred_mod_1, return_x = TRUE){
    # Univariate case
    new_data <- tibble(!!x_m_names := x_0)
    new_data <- x_0
    # Univariate case
    new_data_t <- tibble(!!x_m_names := x_t)
    new_data_t <- x_t
  # $\hat{m}_0(x_0)$
  y_0 <- pred_mod_0(object = mod_0, newdata = new_data)
  # $\hat{m}_1(x_0)$
  y_1 <- pred_mod_1(object = mod_1, newdata = new_data)
  # $\hat{m}_1(\mathcal{T}(x_0))$
  y_1_t <- pred_mod_1(object = mod_1, newdata = new_data_t)
  scate_tab <- 
    tibble(y_0 = y_0, y_1 = y_1, y_1_t = y_1_t,
           CATE = y_1-y_0, SCATE = y_1_t-y_0)
    new_data_t <- new_data_t %>% rename_all(~paste0(.x, "_t"))
    scate_tab <- bind_cols(new_data, new_data_t, scate_tab)

3 Example with \(n=4000\) for Smoker mothers and birth weight

Let us estimate the Sample Conditional Average Treatment Effect, using GAM models and a quantile-based method to transport the mediator variable. The outcome is the probability of having a natural birth, the treatment is whether the mothers smokes or not, and the mediator is the birth weight of the newborn.

Let us estimate the SCATE using only a subset of 4,000 randomly drawn observations from both groups (treated = smoker mothers and non-treated = non-smoker mothers).

First, we create the two sub-samples:

base_0 <- base %>% filter(cig_rec == "No") %>% sample_n(4000)
base_1 <- base %>% filter(cig_rec == "Yes") %>% sample_n(4000)

The, we can estimate \(\color{couleur1}{\widehat{m}_0}\) or \(\color{couleur2}{\widehat{m}_1}\):

reg_univ_0 <- 
    models_spline(target = "nonnatural_delivery",
                  treatment_name = "cig_rec", 
                  treatment = 0,
                  x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                  data = base_0, treatment_0 = "No", df = 3)
reg_univ_1 <- 
    models_spline(target = "nonnatural_delivery",
                  treatment_name = "cig_rec", 
                  treatment = 1,
                  x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                  data = base_1, treatment_1 = "Yes", df = 3)

We will estimate the SCATE at the following weight gains:

w_0 <- seq(2000,4500,by=500)
[1] 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

The corresponding transported values (quantile-based):

trans_w_0 <- 
    transport_quantile(x_0 = w_0, x_m_name = "birth_weight", 
                       treatment_name = "cig_rec", 
                       treatment_0 = "No", treatment_1 = "Yes",
                       data = bind_rows(base_0, base_1))
[1] 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

[1] 0.035750 0.101125 0.318250 0.706500 0.938750 0.992750

  3.575% 10.1125%  31.825%   70.65%  93.875%  99.275% 
1899.000 2410.000 2894.000 3410.000 3945.000 4394.058 

Lastly, the SCATE computed at the different points, for this sample:

sate(x_0 = w_0,
         x_t = trans_w_0$x_t_quantile,
         x_m_names = "birth_weight",
         mod_0 = reg_univ_0,
         mod_1 = reg_univ_1,
         pred_mod_0 = model_spline_predict, pred_mod_1 = model_spline_predict) %>% 
    mutate(size_n = 4000, x_m_name = "birth_weight", idx = row_number())
# A tibble: 6 × 10
  birth_weight birth_…¹   y_0   y_1 y_1_t     CATE    SCATE size_n x_m_n…²   idx
         <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   <int>
1         2000    1899  0.543 0.491 0.513 -0.0520  -0.0299    4000 birth_…     1
2         2500    2410  0.418 0.384 0.402 -0.0338  -0.0160    4000 birth_…     2
3         3000    2894  0.321 0.311 0.323 -0.00956  0.00157   4000 birth_…     3
4         3500    3410  0.288 0.299 0.296  0.0105   0.00727   4000 birth_…     4
5         4000    3945  0.351 0.377 0.362  0.0262   0.0114    4000 birth_…     5
6         4500    4394. 0.574 0.601 0.541  0.0275  -0.0330    4000 birth_…     6
# … with abbreviated variable names ¹​birth_weight_t, ²​x_m_name

4 Simulations

Let us estimate the SCATE using different sizes of the samples (\(4,000\) or \(20,000\) or \(100,000\)).

We can consider different treatments (whether the mother smokes or not, whether the mother is Black or not, and whether the newborn is a girl or a boy) and different mediator variables (newborn weight and mother’s weight gain). We can define a function that wraps the codes presented in Section 3 in a single function.

#' @param size_n
#' @param w_0
#' @param x_m_name name of the mediator variable
#' @param treatment_name name of the treatment variable (column in `data`)
#' @param treatment_0 value for non treated
#' @param treatment_1 value for treated
#' @param data data frame with both T=0 or T=1
simul_univ <- function(size_n, w_0, target, x_m_name, treatment_name, treatment_0, treatment_1, data){
  # Random sample of size `size_n` in each group
  base_0 <- data %>% filter(!!sym(treatment_name) == treatment_0) %>% sample_n(size_n)
  base_1 <- data %>% filter(!!sym(treatment_name) == treatment_1) %>% sample_n(size_n)
  # Estimation of $\hat{m}_0()$
  reg_univ_0 <- 
    models_spline(target = target,
                  treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                  treatment = 0,
                  x_m_name = x_m_name,
                  data = base_0, treatment_0 = treatment_0, df = 3)
  # Estimation of $\hat{m}_1()$
  reg_univ_1 <- 
    models_spline(target = target,
                  treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                  treatment = 1,
                  x_m_name = x_m_name,
                  data = base_1, treatment_1 = treatment_1, df = 3)
  # Transported values (quantile-based)
  trans_w_0 <- 
    transport_quantile(x_0 = w_0, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                       treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                       treatment_0 = treatment_0, treatment_1 = treatment_1,
                       data = bind_rows(base_0, base_1))
  # SATE
  cate_univ <-
    sate(x_0 = w_0,
         x_t = trans_w_0$x_t_quantile,
         x_m_names = x_m_name,
         mod_0 = reg_univ_0,
         mod_1 = reg_univ_1,
         pred_mod_0 = model_spline_predict, pred_mod_1 = model_spline_predict) %>% 
    mutate(size_n = size_n, x_m_name = x_m_name, idx = row_number())

This function will be evaluated 200 times for each sample size. At each time, a new random sample for both treated and non-treated will be drawn.

nb_replicate <- 200

Let us run the simulations in parallel.

ncl <- detectCores()-1
cl <- makeCluster(ncl)
invisible(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE)))
invisible(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(splines, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE)))
invisible(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(expm, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE)))

clusterExport(cl, c("models_spline", "model_spline_predict", "sate", "transport_quantile"))
clusterExport(cl, c("base"))
target         <- "nonnatural_delivery"
treatment_name <- "cig_rec"
x_m_name       <- "birth_weight"
treatment_0    <- "No"
treatment_1    <- "Yes"
# Some values
w_0 <- seq(2000,4500,by=500)

cate_sim_smoker_bw <- 
  pbapply::pblapply(rep(c(4000, 20000, 100000), each = nb_replicate), 
                    simul_univ, cl = cl, 
                    w_0 = w_0, target = target, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                    treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                    treatment_0 = treatment_0, treatment_1 = treatment_1, 
                    data = base)

The results can be saved:

save(cate_sim_smoker_bw, file = "../output/simulations/cate_sim_smoker_bw.rda")

And then loaded:

target         <- "nonnatural_delivery"
treatment_name <- "cig_rec"
x_m_name       <- "wtgain"
treatment_0    <- "No"
treatment_1    <- "Yes"
# Some values
w_0 <- seq(5,55, by=10)

cate_sim_smoker_wg <- 
  pbapply::pblapply(rep(c(4000, 20000, 100000), each = nb_replicate), 
                    simul_univ, cl = cl, 
                    w_0 = w_0, target = target, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                    treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                    treatment_0 = treatment_0, treatment_1 = treatment_1, 
                    data = base)

The results can be saved:

save(cate_sim_smoker_wg, file = "../output/simulations/cate_sim_smoker_wg.rda")

And then loaded:

target         <- "nonnatural_delivery"
treatment_name <- "black_mother"
x_m_name       <- "birth_weight"
treatment_0    <- "No"
treatment_1    <- "Yes"
# Some values
w_0 <- seq(2000,4500,by=500)

cate_sim_blackm_bw <- 
  pbapply::pblapply(rep(c(4000, 20000, 100000), each = nb_replicate), 
                    simul_univ, cl = cl, 
                    w_0 = w_0, target = target, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                    treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                    treatment_0 = treatment_0, treatment_1 = treatment_1, 
                    data = base)

The results can be saved:

save(cate_sim_blackm_bw, file = "../output/simulations/cate_sim_blackm_bw.rda")

And then loaded:

target         <- "nonnatural_delivery"
treatment_name <- "black_mother"
x_m_name       <- "wtgain"
treatment_0    <- "No"
treatment_1    <- "Yes"
# Some values
w_0 <- seq(5,55, by=10)

cate_sim_blackm_wg <- 
  pbapply::pblapply(rep(c(4000, 20000, 100000), each = nb_replicate), 
                    simul_univ, cl = cl, 
                    w_0 = w_0, target = target, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                    treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                    treatment_0 = treatment_0, treatment_1 = treatment_1, 
                    data = base)

The results can be saved:

save(cate_sim_blackm_wg, file = "../output/simulations/cate_sim_blackm_wg.rda")

And then loaded:

target         <- "nonnatural_delivery"
treatment_name <- "sex"
x_m_name       <- "birth_weight"
treatment_0    <- "Male"
treatment_1    <- "Female"
# Some values
w_0 <- seq(2000,4500,by=500)

cate_sim_sex_bw <- 
  pbapply::pblapply(rep(c(4000, 20000, 100000), each = nb_replicate), 
                    simul_univ, cl = cl, 
                    w_0 = w_0, target = target, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                    treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                    treatment_0 = treatment_0, treatment_1 = treatment_1, 
                    data = base)

The results can be saved:

save(cate_sim_sex_bw, file = "../output/simulations/cate_sim_sex_bw.rda")

And then loaded:

target         <- "nonnatural_delivery"
treatment_name <- "sex"
x_m_name       <- "wtgain"
treatment_0    <- "Male"
treatment_1    <- "Female"
# Some values
w_0 <- seq(5,55, by=10)

cate_sim_sex_wg <- 
  pbapply::pblapply(rep(c(4000, 20000, 100000), each = nb_replicate), 
                    simul_univ, cl = cl, 
                    w_0 = w_0, target = target, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                    treatment_name = treatment_name, 
                    treatment_0 = treatment_0, treatment_1 = treatment_1, 
                    data = base)

The results can be saved:

save(cate_sim_sex_wg, file = "../output/simulations/cate_sim_sex_wg.rda")

And then loaded:


Let us close the clusters:

stopCluster(cl = cl)

4.1 Results

4.1.1 Distribution of the transported values

Let us plot the distribution of the transported values, given both the size sample \(n\) and the value transported.

#' @param res_simul results of the simulation
#' @param size_n size of the sample used to make simulations 
#'        (column `size_n` in the tables obtained in `res_simul`)
#' @param x_m_name
#' @param x_lim limits of the x-axis (and the y-axis)
#' @param scale_factor_density scaling factor for the height of the densities
#' @param offset_density offset for the densities
#' @param arrow_length length of the arrow
#' @param x_lab label for the x-axis
plot_distrib_transported_val <- function(res_simul, size_n, x_m_name, x_lim, scale_factor_density, offset_density, arrow_length = unit(0.25, "inches"), x_lab){
  x_m_name_t <- paste0(x_m_name, "_t")
  # Initial values and transported values, for the `size_n` simulations
  val_t_sim <- 
    bind_rows(res_simul) %>% 
    filter(size_n == !!size_n) %>% 
    select(!!sym(x_m_name), !!sym(x_m_name_t))
  # Points at which the SCATE were computed
  w_0 <- unique(pull(val_t_sim, x_m_name))
  # Mean of the transported values in the simulations, for each point of interest
  val_t_sim_mean <- 
    val_t_sim %>% group_by(!!sym(x_m_name)) %>% 
    summarise(mean_t = mean(!!sym(x_m_name_t)))
  # Estimation of the density of the transported values at each point of interest
  val_t_sim_d <- 
    val_t_sim %>% 
    group_by(!!sym(x_m_name)) %>% 
    nest() %>% 
    mutate(density = map(data, ~density(pull(.x, x_m_name_t))))
  # Plot
       ylab="", axes=FALSE,
       xlim = x_lim, ylim = x_lim)
  segments(x_lim[1],x_lim[1], x_lim[2], x_lim[2],col=couleur3)
  points(w_0, w_0, pch = 19, col = couleur3)
  arrows(w_0, w_0 , w_0, val_t_sim_mean$mean_t, col=couleur3, length = arrow_length)
  for(i in 1:length(w_0)){
    polygon(w_0[i] + offset_density + val_t_sim_d$density[[i]]$y*scale_factor_density,
Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_smoker_bw
x_lim <- c(1800, 4900)
scale_factor_density <- 10000
x_m_name <- "birth_weight"
x_lab <- "Weight of the baby (mother non-smoker → smoker)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))

Figure 1. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_smoker_wg
x_lim <- c(0, 60)
scale_factor_density <- 100
x_m_name <- "wtgain"
x_lab <- "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-smoker → smoker)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 2. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_blackm_bw
x_lim <- c(1800, 4900)
scale_factor_density <- 10000
x_m_name <- "birth_weight"
x_lab <- "Weight of the baby (mother non-Black → Black)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))

Figure 3. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_blackm_wg
x_lim <- c(0, 60)
scale_factor_density <- 100
x_m_name <- "wtgain"
x_lab <- "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-Black → Black)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 4. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_sex_bw
x_lim <- c(1800, 4900)
scale_factor_density <- 10000
x_m_name <- "birth_weight"
x_lab <- "Weight of the baby (baby boy → girl)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 100, x_lab = x_lab, unit(0.05, "inches"))

Figure 5. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_sex_wg
x_lim <- c(0, 60)
scale_factor_density <- 100
x_m_name <- "wtgain"
x_lab <- "Weight gain of the mother (baby boy → girl)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                             x_lim = x_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density,
                             offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 6. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Let us plot the distributions differently. We define a function that estimates the density of the transported values and returns both the estimated values and their range.

compute_density <- function(x){
  d <- density(x)
  x_min <- min(d$x)
  x_max <- max(d$x)
  y_min <- min(d$y)
  y_max <- max(d$y)
  limits <- tibble(x_min = x_min, x_max = x_max, y_min = y_min, y_max = y_max)
  val <- tibble(x = d$x, y = d$y)
  list(val = val, limits = limits)

Then, we can plot the estimated densities depending on the sample size, for each value of interest of the mediator variable.

#' @param res_simul results of the simulation
#' @param x_m_name mediator variable
#' @param x_m_name_label label of the mediator
#' @param x_lab label for the x-axis
plot_distrib_transported_val <- function(res_simul, x_m_name, x_m_name_label, x_lab){
  x_m_name_t <- paste0(x_m_name, "_t")
  # Points of interest
  w_0 <- unique(pull(bind_rows(res_simul), !!sym(x_m_name)))
  # Simulation results
  val_t_sim <- 
    bind_rows(res_simul) %>% 
    mutate(size_n = factor(size_n, levels = c(4000, 20000, 100000), labels = c("4,000", "20,000", "100,000")))
  # Average of the transported values, for each sample size and each point of interest
  mean_t_df <- 
    val_t_sim %>% 
    group_by(size_n, !!sym(x_m_name)) %>% 
    summarise(!!sym(x_m_name_t) := mean(!!sym(x_m_name_t)))
  # Densities of the transported values over the simulations,
  # for each value of the mediator variable and each size sample
  densities <- 
    val_t_sim %>% group_by(!!sym(x_m_name), size_n) %>% 
    nest() %>% 
    mutate(density = map(data, ~compute_density(pull(.x, x_m_name_t))))
  # 3x2 plot matrix + 1 legend at the bottom
  layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,7),nrow = 3,ncol = 3,byrow = TRUE),
         heights = c(0.4,0.4,0.2))
  # loop over the different points of the mediator variable
  for(i in 1:length(w_0)){
    # densities of the transported values for the current point
    val_t_sim_i <- densities %>% filter(!!sym(x_m_name) == w_0[i])
    # limits of the densities values (over the different sample sizes)
    limits <- 
      val_t_sim_i %>% 
      mutate(limits = map(density, "limits")) %>% 
      unnest(cols = limits) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
        x_min = min(x_min),
        x_max = max(x_max),
        y_min = min(y_min),
        y_max = max(y_max)
    par(mar=c(5.1,4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    plot(NULL, xlab = x_lab,
         main = paste0(x_m_name_label, " = ", scales::number(w_0[i], big.mark = ",")),
         ylab = "", axes = FALSE,
         xlim = c(min(limits$x_min, w_0[i]), max(limits$x_max, w_0[i])),
         ylim = c(limits$y_min, limits$y_max))
    # point of interest
    abline(v = w_0[i], lty = 2, col = "grey")
    for(j in 1:nrow(val_t_sim_i)){
      val_t_sim_i_j <- 
        val_t_sim_i %>% ungroup() %>% slice(j) %>% 
        mutate(density = map(density, "val")) %>% 
        unnest(cols = density)
      # Mean of trransported values
      mean_t_i_j <- mean_t_df %>% 
        filter(size_n == unique(val_t_sim_i_j$size_n), !!sym(x_m_name) == w_0[i]) %>% 
      abline(v = mean_t_i_j, col = colr1[j], lty = 2)
      # density
      polygon(x = val_t_sim_i_j$x, y = val_t_sim_i_j$y, col=scales::alpha(colr1[j],.4),border=NA)
  plot(1, type = "n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
  plot_colors <- scales::alpha(colr1[1:3],.4)
  legend(x = "top", inset = 0,
         legend = c("4,000", "20,000", "100,000"), col = plot_colors, lwd = 4, cex = .8, horiz = TRUE)
Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = cate_sim_smoker_bw, x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                             x_m_name_label = "Birth weight", 
                             x_lab = "Weight of the baby (mother non-smoker → smoker)")

Figure 7. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = cate_sim_smoker_wg, x_m_name = "wtgain",
                             x_m_name_label = "Weight gain", 
                             x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-smoker → smoker)")

Figure 8. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = cate_sim_blackm_bw, x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                             x_m_name_label = "Birth weight", 
                             x_lab = "Weight of the baby (non-Black mother → Black mother)")

Figure 9. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = cate_sim_blackm_wg, x_m_name = "wtgain",
                             x_m_name_label = "Weight gain", 
                             x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (non-Black mother → Black mother)")

Figure 10. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = cate_sim_sex_bw, x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                             x_m_name_label = "Birth weight", 
                             x_lab = "Weight of the baby (baby boy → baby girl)")

Figure 11. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val(res_simul = cate_sim_sex_wg, x_m_name = "wtgain",
                             x_m_name_label = "Weight gain", 
                             x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (baby boy → baby girl)")

Figure 12. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Same kind of representation, with ggplot2.

#' @param res_simul results of the simulation
#' @param x_m_name mediator variable
#' @param x_m_name_label label of the mediator
#' @param x_lab label for the x-axis
plot_distrib_transported_val_2 <- function(res_simul, x_m_name, x_m_name_label, x_lab, type = c("density", "histogram")){
  x_m_name_t <- paste0(x_m_name, "_t")
  # transported values (simulations)
  val_t_sim <- 
    bind_rows(res_simul) %>% 
    mutate(size_n = factor(size_n, levels = c(4000, 20000, 100000), labels = c("4,000", "20,000", "100,000")))
  # Points of interest
  w_0 <- unique(pull(bind_rows(val_t_sim), !!sym(x_m_name)))
  # Average of the transported values for each sample size and each point of interest
  mean_t_df <- 
    bind_rows(val_t_sim) %>% 
    group_by(size_n, !!sym(x_m_name)) %>% 
    summarise(!!sym(x_m_name_t) := mean(!!sym(x_m_name_t)))
  # Labels for faceting
  w_0_labels <- paste0(x_m_name_label, "=", scales::number(w_0, big.mark = ","))
  names(w_0_labels) <- w_0

  p <- 
    ggplot(data = val_t_sim) +
    geom_vline(data = mean_t_df, mapping = aes(xintercept = !!sym(x_m_name_t), colour = size_n), linetype = "dashed")
  if(type == "density") p <- p + 
    geom_density(mapping = aes(x = !!sym(x_m_name_t), fill = size_n), alpha = .8, colour = NA)
  if(type == "histogram") p <- p + 
    geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = !!sym(x_m_name_t), fill = size_n), alpha = .8, colour = NA, position = "identity")
  p <- p + 
    geom_vline(data = tibble(!!sym(x_m_name) := w_0), mapping = aes(xintercept = !!sym(x_m_name)), colour = "grey", linetype = "dashed") +
    facet_wrap(vars(!!sym(x_m_name)), scales = "free", labeller = labeller(!!sym(x_m_name) := w_0_labels), ncol = 2) +
    labs(x = x_lab, y = NULL) +
    scale_fill_manual("Sample size", values = c("4,000" = colr1[1], "20,000" = colr1[2], "100,000" = colr1[3])) +
    scale_colour_manual("Sample size", values = c("4,000" = colr1[1], "20,000" = colr1[2], "100,000" = colr1[3])) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom", axis.text.y = element_blank(), strip.text = element_text(face = "bold"))
Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val_2(res_simul = cate_sim_smoker_bw, x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                             x_m_name_label = "Birth weight", 
                             x_lab = "Weight of the baby (mother non-smoker → smoker)",
                             type = "density")

Figure 13. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val_2(res_simul = cate_sim_smoker_wg, x_m_name = "wtgain",
                             x_m_name_label = "Weight gain", 
                             x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-smoker → smoker)",
                             type = "histogram")

Figure 14. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val_2(res_simul = cate_sim_blackm_bw, x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                             x_m_name_label = "Birth weight", 
                             x_lab = "Weight of the baby (non-Black mother → Black mother)",
                             type = "density")

Figure 15. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val_2(res_simul = cate_sim_blackm_wg, x_m_name = "wtgain",
                             x_m_name_label = "Weight gain", 
                             x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (non-Black mother → Black mother)",
                             type = "histogram")

Figure 16. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val_2(res_simul = cate_sim_sex_bw, x_m_name = "birth_weight",
                             x_m_name_label = "Birth weight", 
                             x_lab = "Weight of the baby (baby boy → baby girl)",
                             type = "density")

Figure 17. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
plot_distrib_transported_val_2(res_simul = cate_sim_sex_wg, x_m_name = "wtgain",
                             x_m_name_label = "Weight gain", 
                             x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (baby boy → baby girl)",
                             type = "histogram")

Figure 18. Distribution of \(\mathcal{T}(x)\) when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother depending on the sample size \(n\), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

4.2 SCATE with GAM, quantile-based transport

Let us now display the distribution of \(\text{CATE}(x)\) and \(\text{SCATE}(x)\) obtained in the simulations.

#' @param res_simul results of the simulation
#' @param size_n size of the sample used to make simulations 
#'        (column `size_n` in the tables obtained in `res_simul`)
#' @param x_m_name
#' @param x_lim limits of the x-axis
#' @param y_lim limits of the y-axis
#' @param offset_density offset for the boplots
#' @param x_lab label for the x-axis
boxplot_cate_simul <- function(res_simul, size_n, x_m_name, x_lim, y_lim, scale_factor_density, offset_density, x_lab){
  x_m_name_t <- paste0(x_m_name, "_t")
  # Initial values and transported values, for the `size_n` simulations
  val_t_sim <- 
    bind_rows(res_simul) %>% 
    filter(size_n == !!size_n) %>% 
    select(!!sym(x_m_name), CATE, SCATE)
  # Points at which the SCATE were computed
  w_0 <- unique(pull(bind_rows(res_simul), !!sym(x_m_name)))
  plot(NULL, xlab = x_lab,
       ylab = paste0("CATE estimate, n=", scales::number(size_n, big.mark = ",")), 
       xlim=x_lim, ylim = y_lim)
  # Loop over the points of interest
  for(i in 1:length(w_0)){
    cate_i <- pull(val_t_sim %>% filter(!!sym(x_m_name) == w_0[i]), CATE)
    scate_i <- pull(val_t_sim %>% filter(!!sym(x_m_name) == w_0[i]), SCATE)
    # Boxplot for CATE
    boxplot(cate_i, add = TRUE,
            at = w_0[i] - offset_boxplot, border = scales::alpha(couleur3, .25), axes = FALSE)
    points(w_0[i] - offset_boxplot, mean(cate_i), pch = 19, col = scales::alpha(couleur3,.25))
    # Boxplot for SCATE
    boxplot(scate_i, add = TRUE,
            at = w_0[i] + offset_boxplot, border = couleur3, axes = FALSE)
    points(w_0[i] + offset_boxplot, mean(scate_i), pch = 19, col = couleur3)
Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_smoker_bw
x_lim <- c(1800, 4900)
y_lim <- c(-.2, .2)
offset_boxplot <- 50
x_m_name <- "birth_weight"
x_lab <- "Weight of the baby (mother non-smoker → smoker)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 19. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_smoker_wg
x_lim <- c(0, 60)
y_lim <- c(-.05, .05)
offset_boxplot <- 1
x_m_name <- "wtgain"
x_lab <- "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-smoker → smoker)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 20. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_blackm_bw
x_lim <- c(1800, 4900)
y_lim <- c(-.3, .3)
offset_boxplot <- 50
x_m_name <- "birth_weight"
x_lab <- "Weight of the baby (mother non-Black → Black)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 21. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_blackm_wg
x_lim <- c(0, 60)
y_lim <- c(-.1, .1)
offset_boxplot <- 1
x_m_name <- "wtgain"
x_lab <- "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-Black → Black)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 22. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_sex_bw
x_lim <- c(1800, 4900)
y_lim <- c(-.2, .2)
offset_boxplot <- 50
x_m_name <- "birth_weight"
x_lab <- "Weight of the baby (baby boy → girl)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 23. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
res_simul <- cate_sim_sex_wg
x_lim <- c(0, 60)
y_lim <- c(-.05, .05)
offset_boxplot <- 1
x_m_name <- "wtgain"
x_lab <- "Weight gain of the mother (baby boy → girl)"

layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol=1))
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 4000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 20000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                   x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)
boxplot_cate_simul(res_simul = res_simul,size_n = 100000, x_m_name = x_m_name, 
                  x_lim = x_lim, y_lim = y_lim, scale_factor_density = scale_factor_density, 
                   offset_density = 0.5, x_lab = x_lab)

Figure 24. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Let us get the same kind of graphs with {ggplot2}.

#' @param res_simul results of the simulation
#'        (column `size_n` in the tables obtained in `res_simul`)
#' @param x_m_name
#' @param x_lab label for the x-axis
boxplot_cate_simul_2 <- function(res_simul, x_m_name, x_lab){
  x_m_name_t <- paste0(x_m_name, "_t")
  # Labels for faceting
  val_sim <- bind_rows(res_simul)
  sample_sizes <- unique(val_sim$size_n)
  size_labels <- paste0("n=", scales::number(sample_sizes, big.mark = ","))
  names(size_labels) <- sample_sizes
  val_sim %>% 
    select(!!sym(x_m_name), CATE, SCATE, size_n) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = c(CATE, SCATE)) %>% 
    ggplot(data = .) +
    geom_violin(mapping = aes(x = factor(!!sym(x_m_name)), y = value, fill = name)) +
    scale_fill_manual(NULL, values = c("CATE" = scales::alpha(couleur3,.25), "SCATE" = couleur3)) +
    labs(x = x_lab, y = "Conditional Average Treatment Effect") +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom", strip.text = element_text(face = "bold")) +
    facet_wrap(~size_n, scales = "free", labeller = labeller(size_n = size_labels), ncol = 1)
Show the codes used to create the plot
boxplot_cate_simul_2(res_simul = cate_sim_smoker_bw, 
                     x_m_name = "birth_weight", 
                     x_lab = "Weight of the baby (mother non-smoker → smoker)")

Figure 25. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
boxplot_cate_simul_2(res_simul = cate_sim_smoker_wg, 
                     x_m_name = "wtgain", 
                     x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-smoker → smoker)")

Figure 26. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is a smoker or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
boxplot_cate_simul_2(res_simul = cate_sim_blackm_bw, 
                     x_m_name = "birth_weight", 
                     x_lab = "Weight of the baby (mother non-Black → Black)")

Figure 27. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
boxplot_cate_simul_2(res_simul = cate_sim_blackm_wg, 
                     x_m_name = "wtgain", 
                     x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (mother non-Black → Black)")

Figure 28. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the mother is Black or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
boxplot_cate_simul_2(res_simul = cate_sim_sex_bw, 
                     x_m_name = "birth_weight", 
                     x_lab = "Weight of the baby (baby boy → girl)")

Figure 29. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight of a newborn infant when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.

Show the codes used to create the plot
boxplot_cate_simul_2(res_simul = cate_sim_sex_wg, 
                     x_m_name = "wtgain", 
                     x_lab = "Weight gain of the mother (baby boy → girl)")

Figure 30. Boxplot of the estimation of CATE\((x)\) and SCATE\((x)\) with two GAM models when \(x\) is the weight gain of the mother when \(n\) goes to \(4,000\) (on top) to \(20,000\) (in the middle) and \(100,000\) (at the bottom), and when \(T\) indicates whether the newborn is a girl or not.