Logiciel R et programmation

Manipulation de données avec dplyr

Ewen Gallic
Université de Rennes 1, 2016 - 2017

Structures: Data Frames

  • In Economics, this might be the most frequent structure we use
  • data.frame objects are lists of vectors
  • Each column is a vector: the mode inside each column needs to be the same of all observation
  • The data.frame() function is used to create a data.frame
women <- data.frame(height = c(58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
                                66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72),
                     weight = c(115, 117, 120, 123, 126, 129, 132,
                                135, 139, 142, 146, 150, 154, 159, 164))

Structures: Data Frames

##   height weight
## 1     58    115
## 2     59    117
## 3     60    120
## 4     61    123
## 5     62    126
## 6     63    129
## [1] "data.frame"

Structures: Data Frames

## [1] 15  2
## [1] 15
## [1] 2

Import Data

  • Whatever the type of data, there is probably a function to import it in the R session
  • With ASCII files, the two main functions are read.table() ans scan()
  • We will not present the scan() function here
  • With other type of files, one needs to load a specific library

Import Data: read.table()

  • The read.table() function is designed for data already organized as a table
  • The output is a data.frame
  • Here are the main parameters I use:
Argument Description
file File name, or complete path to file (can be an URL)
header Whether the file contains the names of the variables at its first line ? (FALSE by default)
sep Field separator character (white character by default)
dec Character used for decimal points ("." by default)
na.strings Character vector of strungs to be interpreded as NA (NA by default)

Import Data from Excel Files

  • I mainly use two functions:
    • read.xls() from the gdata package
    • read_excel() from the readxl package
  • For convenience, we will use the iris.xls file contained in the folder of the gdata package
xlsfile <- file.path(path.package("gdata"), "xls", "iris.xls")
iris <- read.xls(xlsfile) # Creates a temporary csv file
  • By default, the first sheet is imported. The sheet argument enables to import another sheet, either by giving the number or the name of the sheet
  • The read_excel() function is faster, has almost the same names for the arguments, but is not as robust at the moment as the read.xls() function. In addition, it returns a tbl_df object, not a data.frame

Export Data from R

  • The function write.table() can be used to export a data.frame object (or a matrix) to an ASCII file:
write.table(my_data_frame, file = "file_name.txt", sep = ";")
  • To save one or more objects as is: save() ; to import the object(s) back: load():
save(obj_1, obj_2, file = "my_file.rda")
  • To save the entire session: save.image(); to load the session: load()

Access elements of a vector

  • Elements of a vector can be accessed by their numerical index or by their name (if they are provided with one)
  • This can be done by the "["() function
  • The arguments of this function are the vector one wants to extract data from and a numerical vector which contains the positions of the elements one wants to extract (or not), or a logical vector (mask)
  • As it might be painful to write this function, R provides a shortcut to use the "["() function:
x <- c(4, 7, 3, 5, 0)
"["(x, 2)
## [1] 7

Access elements of a vector

x[2] # The second element of x
## [1] 7
x[-2] # All the elements of x minus the second one
## [1] 4 3 5 0
x[3:5] # Elements of x from 3rd to 5th position
## [1] 3 5 0

Access elements of a vector

i <- 3:5 ; x[i] # Elements of x from 3rd to 5th position
## [1] 3 5 0
x[c(F, T, F, F, F)] # Second element from x
## [1] 7
x[x<1] # Elements of x that are lower than 1
## [1] 0
x<1 # Returns a logical vector

Access elements of a vector

  • To extract the positions of TRUE values from a logical vector: which()
  • To extract the positions of the first minimum (maximum) of a logical or numerical vector: which.min() (which.max())
x <- c(2, 4, 5, 1, 7, 6)
which(x < 7 & x > 2)
## [1] 2 3 6
## [1] 4

Access elements of a vector

## [1] 5
## [1] 7

Modify elements of a vector

  • Simply use the <- symbol
x <- seq_len(5)
x[2] <- 3
## [1] 1 3 3 4 5
  • Multiple elements can be modified using one instruction
x[2] <- x[3] <- 0
## [1] 1 0 0 4 5

Access elements of a matrix or data.frame

  • The same function "["() works
  • One just needs to indicate the rows (i) and columns (j) indices: x[i,j]
(x <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3, nrow = 3))
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    4    7
## [2,]    2    5    8
## [3,]    3    6    9
x[1, 2]
## [1] 4

Access elements of a matrix or data.frame

  • i and j can be vectors of length greater than one:
i <- c(1,3) ; j <- 3
x[i,j]  # Elements of first and third row for the third column
## [1] 7 9
  • Not providing i returns all lines for the j columns
  • Not providing j returns all columns for the i rows
x[, 2] # Elements of the second column
## [1] 4 5 6

Access elements of a matrix or data.frame

  • As for vectors, negative values indicate positions one does not want:
x[, -c(1,3)]  # x without first and third columns
## [1] 4 5 6

Access elements of a matrix or data.frame

  • In the case of a data.frame, columns are named and can thus be accessed using these names
women <-data.frame(height =c(58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
                              65, 66, 67, 68,69, 70, 71, 72),
                    weight =c(115, 117, 120, 123, 126, 129, 132, 135,
                              139,142, 146, 150, 154, 159, 164))
colnames(women) # Names of the columns
## [1] "height" "weight"
rownames(women) # Names of the rows
##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14"
## [15] "15"

Access elements of a matrix or data.frame

dimnames(women) # Names of both rows and columns
## [[1]]
##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14"
## [15] "15"
## [[2]]
## [1] "height" "weight"

Access elements of a matrix or data.frame

  • To access a specific column: $ :
##  [1] 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

Data manipulation with dplyr

  • The packeg dplyr offers many functions that are really easy to use to manipulate data
  • We will also use the pipe (%>%) operator (from the package magrittr), which transmits a value as the first argument of the following function
  • For instance :
mean(x) %>% log()
  • Computes the mean of the object x and the apply the logarithm function to the result of mean(x). It can also be written in the following (but harder to read) way:
## [1] 1.609438

Data manipulation with dplyr: selection

  • To select columns from a data.frame: select()
women %>% 
##    height
## 1      58
## 2      59
## 3      60
## 4      61
## 5      62
## 6      63
## 7      64
## 8      65
## 9      66
## 10     67
## 11     68
## 12     69
## 13     70
## 14     71
## 15     72

Data manipulation with dplyr: selection

  • To remove a columns from a data.frame: select() and a negative sign
women %>% 
  select(-height) %>% 
##   weight
## 1    115
## 2    117
## 3    120
## 4    123
## 5    126
## 6    129

Data manipulation with dplyr: selection

  • To select rows according to their position: slice()
women %>% slice(4:5)
##   height weight
## 1     61    123
## 2     62    126

Data manipulation with dplyr: filtering

  • To return rows with matchin conditions: filter()
women %>%
  filter(height == 60)
##   height weight
## 1     60    120
women %>%
  filter(weight > 120, height <= 62)
##   height weight
## 1     61    123
## 2     62    126

Data manipulation with dplyr: column modifications

  • To rename a column: rename(data, new_name_1 = old_name_1, new_name_2 = old_name_2)
women <-
  women %>%
  rename(masse = weight)
##   height masse
## 1     58   115
## 2     59   117
## 3     60   120
## 4     61   123
## 5     62   126
## 6     63   129

Data manipulation with dplyr: column modifications

  • Let us create another data.frame:
unemp <- data.frame(year = 2012:2008,
                    unemployed = c(2.811, 2.604, 2.635, 2.573, 2.064),
                    active_pop = c(28.328, 28.147, 28.157, 28.074, 27.813))

Data manipulation with dplyr: column modifications

  • To modify (or create) columns: mutate()
unemp <-
  unemp %>%
  mutate(unemp_rate = unemployed/active_pop*100,
         log_unemployed = log(unemployed),
         year = year / 1000)
##    year unemployed active_pop unemp_rate log_unemployed
## 1 2.012      2.811     28.328   9.923044      1.0335403
## 2 2.011      2.604     28.147   9.251430      0.9570487
## 3 2.010      2.635     28.157   9.358241      0.9688832
## 4 2.009      2.573     28.074   9.165064      0.9450725
## 5 2.008      2.064     27.813   7.420990      0.7246458

Data manipulation with dplyr: ordering

  • Let us create another data.frame:
df <- data.frame(last_name = c("Durand", "Martin",
                               "Martin", "Martin", "Durand"),
                 first_name = c("Sonia", "Serge", "Julien-Yacine",
                                "Victor", "Emma"),
                 grade = c(23, 18, 17, 17, 19))

Data manipulation with dplyr: ordering

  • To order observations according to one or multiple values: order():
df %>% arrange(first_name, last_name)
##   last_name    first_name grade
## 1    Durand          Emma    19
## 2    Martin Julien-Yacine    17
## 3    Martin         Serge    18
## 4    Durand         Sonia    23
## 5    Martin        Victor    17
  • To order by decreasing values: desc() (negative sign can be used for numeric columns)
df %>% arrange(first_name, desc(last_name))
##   last_name    first_name grade
## 1    Durand          Emma    19
## 2    Martin Julien-Yacine    17
## 3    Martin         Serge    18
## 4    Durand         Sonia    23
## 5    Martin        Victor    17

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • Functions to join data.frames from dplyr have an easy syntax:
xxx_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...)
  • x and y are the two tables to join
  • by is a character vector containing variables used to join the tables (if ommited, a natural join using all variables with common names accross the two tables will be done)

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • Let us create two data.frame to illustrate the different join functions:
exportations <- data.frame(year = 2011:2013,
                           exportations = c(572.6, 587.3, 597.8))
importations <- data.frame(annee = 2010:2012, 
                           importations = c(558.1, 625.3,628.5))

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • inner_join(): return all rows from x where there are matching values in x, and all columns from x and y. If there are multiple matches between x and y, all combination of the matches are returned
exportations %>% 
  inner_join(importations, by = c(year = "annee"))
##   year exportations importations
## 1 2011        572.6        625.3
## 2 2012        587.3        628.5

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • left_join(): return all rows from x, and all columns from x and y. Rows in x with no match in y will have NA values in the new columns. If there are multiple matches between x and y, all combinations of the matches are returned
exportations %>% 
  left_join(importations, by = c(year = "annee"))
##   year exportations importations
## 1 2011        572.6        625.3
## 2 2012        587.3        628.5
## 3 2013        597.8           NA

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • right_join(): return all rows from y, and all columns from x and y. Rows in y with no match in x will have NA values in the new columns. If there are multiple matches between x and y, all combinations of the matches are returned
exportations %>%
  right_join(importations, by = c(year = "annee"))
##   year exportations importations
## 1 2010           NA        558.1
## 2 2011        572.6        625.3
## 3 2012        587.3        628.5

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • semi_join(): return all rows from x where there are matching values in y, keeping just columns from x
exportations %>% 
  semi_join(importations, by = c(year = "annee"))
##   year exportations
## 1 2011        572.6
## 2 2012        587.3

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • anti_join(): return all rows from x where there are not matching values in y, keeping just columns from x.
exportations %>% 
  anti_join(importations, by = c(year = "annee"))
##   year exportations
## 1 2013        597.8

Data manipulation with dplyr: joining two data.frame

  • full_join(): return all rows and all columns from both x and y. Where there are not matching values, returns NA for the one missing
exportations %>% 
  full_join(importations, by = c(year = "annee"))
##   year exportations importations
## 1 2011        572.6        625.3
## 2 2012        587.3        628.5
## 3 2013        597.8           NA
## 4 2010           NA        558.1

Data manipulation with dplyr: aggregation

  • To aggregate data, dplyr offers an easy way: summarise()
  • The arguments are a data.frame and one or multiple operations to do on the data.frame
  • Let us create some dummy observations:
# Nombre d'ingenieurs et cadres au chômage
chomage <- data.frame(region = rep(c(rep("Bretagne", 4),
                                     rep("Corse", 2)), 2),
                      departement = rep(c("Cotes-d'Armor", "Finistere",
                                          "Ille-et-Vilaine", "Morbihan",
                                          "Corse-du-Sud", "Haute-Corse"), 2),
                      annee = rep(c(2011, 2010), each = 6),
                      ouvriers = c(8738, 12701, 11390, 10228, 975, 1297,
                                   8113, 12258, 10897, 9617, 936, 1220),
                      ingenieurs = c(1420, 2530, 3986, 2025, 259, 254,
                                     1334, 2401, 3776, 1979, 253, 241))

Data manipulation with dplyr: aggregation

  • If we want to compute the mean and standard deviation for the colums ouvriers and ingenieurs:
chomage %>% 
  summarise(moy_ouvriers = mean(ouvriers),
            sd_ouvriers = sd(ouvriers),
            moy_ingenieurs = mean(ingenieurs),
            sd_ingenieurs = sd(ingenieurs))
##   moy_ouvriers sd_ouvriers moy_ingenieurs sd_ingenieurs
## 1     7364.167    4801.029       1704.833      1331.482

Data manipulation with dplyr: aggregation

  • It is really simple to aggregate data on groups of observations, thanks to the group_by() function
  • We just need to first group the data according to some values taken by one or multiple variables, and then apply the aggregation to the result:
chomage %>%
  group_by(annee) %>%
  summarise(ouvriers = sum(ouvriers),
            ingenieurs = sum(ingenieurs))
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
##   annee ouvriers ingenieurs
##   <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1  2010    43041       9984
## 2  2011    45329      10474

Data manipulation with dplyr: aggregation

  • With groups depending on combination of variables:
chomage %>%
  group_by(annee, region) %>%
  summarise(ouvriers = sum(ouvriers),
            ingenieurs = sum(ingenieurs))
## Source: local data frame [4 x 4]
## Groups: annee [?]
##   annee   region ouvriers ingenieurs
##   <dbl>   <fctr>    <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1  2010 Bretagne    40885       9490
## 2  2010    Corse     2156        494
## 3  2011 Bretagne    43057       9961
## 4  2011    Corse     2272        513

Data manipulation: tidyr

  • The package tidyr contains interesting functions to manipulate data
  • These functions are really important when one realise graphs with ggplot2
  • Unfortunately, their use is not as straightforward as the functions from the dplyr package
  • We will only focus on two functions here: gather() and spread()
  • These functions are useful to turn a large table to a long one, and reciprocally

Data manipulation: from a large table to a long one

  • First, let us create some dummy data:
pop <- data.frame(city = c("Paris", "Paris", "Lyon", "Lyon"),
                  arrondissement = c(1, 2, 1, 2),
                  pop_municipale = c(17443, 22927, 28932, 30575),
                  pop_all = c(17620, 23102, 29874, 31131))

Data manipulation: from a large table to a long one

  • The gather() function takes a data.frame as its first argument
  • The second argument (key) is the name we want to give to the column that will contain the the names of the columns we want to gather, as a factor
  • The third argument (value) is the name we want to give to the column that will contain the corresponding values
  • Then, we need to specify which colums to gather (either by giving or excluding variable names, as in the select() function)

Data manipulation: from a large table to a long one

pop_long <-
  pop %>%
  gather(key = type_pop,
         value = population,
##    city arrondissement       type_pop population
## 1 Paris              1 pop_municipale      17443
## 2 Paris              2 pop_municipale      22927
## 3  Lyon              1 pop_municipale      28932
## 4  Lyon              2 pop_municipale      30575
## 5 Paris              1        pop_all      17620
## 6 Paris              2        pop_all      23102
## 7  Lyon              1        pop_all      29874
## 8  Lyon              2        pop_all      31131

Data manipulation: from a long table to large one

  • Now to go from a long table to a large one: spread()
  • The first argument is the data.frame
  • The second argument is the name of the colum that contains values that can be converted to a factor. Each level of the factor will end up as a column name
  • The third argument is the name of the column that contains the values

Data manipulation: from a long table to large one

pop_long %>%
  spread(type_pop, population)
##    city arrondissement pop_all pop_municipale
## 1  Lyon              1   29874          28932
## 2  Lyon              2   31131          30575
## 3 Paris              1   17620          17443
## 4 Paris              2   23102          22927